Bach Flower Remedies (BFR)
The Bach flower remedies balance our negative emotions and empowering us to wade through difficult times. They assist us in the process of fine-tuning our emotional balance. Which further guides us in self-knowledge and the chance of good health throughout life.
Just to share few areas that they can help us with are :
• Increase confidence
• Cope with stress and stressful situations
• Overcome fears
• Understand your relationships
• Manage and understand your anger
• Fulfill your potential
• Improve well-being
• Tackle depression
They are safe for every on in the family. Popular all over the world with great success they are simple to use and can be safely taken along with any other medication.
Discovered by Dr. Bach, remedies are made with 38 flowers. They form a wonderful harmonizing system for disruptive emotional states. They are natural remedies based on the healing power of nature.
Roopa offers individual Bach flower consultations by appointment.
If you want to learn about the remedies join one of her workshops

Level 1
Bach Centre (UK)approved Level 1 course (Basics of Bach Flower Remedies)
Workshop content:
All about 38 Bach Flower Remedies ; How to select and use remedies in everyday life; Dr. Bach’s Philosophy; and much more
Learn From the comfort of your home on Zoom online course
Two days In-person classes (10 am to 5 pm)
Level 2
Bach Centre (UK) approved Level 2 course; Advance course
Workshop Content:
Gain deeper understanding of remedies; Understand subtle differences; Type and mood remedies; How to enrich your own approach towards life with remedies
Learn From the comfort of your home as DLP (Distance Learning Program) with 6 zoom sessions; a dossier to complete; online course manual which guides you; Videos to watch; material to read
Two days In-person classes (10 am to 5 pm)
Level 3
Bach Centre (UK) approved Practitioner's course
If you have completed Level 1 and 2 (Bach Centre approved) and want to work professionally with remedies then join the Level 3 course
Learn From the comfort of your home as DLP (Distance Learning Program) with 7 zoom sessions; a dossier to complete; online course manual for guidance; Videos to watch; material to read; real life activities; assessment process to complete.
In-person classes for 3 days and exam on day 4. On successful completion followed by two written assessments